Safeguarding Contacts
Contacts for Key Cathedral Officers
The Dean
The Very Revd Mark Bonney (Clergy)
Chapter Safeguarding Lead
Canon James Reveley (Clergy)
Departmental Safeguarding Officer: Senior Management Team and Administration
Jonathan Bell (Non Clergy)
Departmental Safeguarding Officer: Music and Worship
Canon James Garrard (Clergy)
Departmental Safeguarding Officer: Learning
Canon Jessica Martin (Clergy)
Safeguarding Officer: Junior Church
Canon James Reveley (Clergy)
Cathedral Safeguarding Administrator
Sarah Coakley (Non-Clergy) |
Cathedral Safeguarding Adviser (independent of Cathedral)
Lisa Pearson | 01353 652738 |
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (independent of Cathedral)
Rebecca Boswell | 07904 487912 |
Diocesan Safeguarding Officer (independent of Cathedral)
Sarah King | 07776 661798 |
Diocesan Assistant Safeguarding Adviser (independent of Cathedral)
Sharon Gage | 07507 741295 |
If you need independent advice or support, or know of anyone who may benefit, the following links may be helpful:
Women's Aid
Stop it now! Confidential advice
Police Child Abuse investigation unit. Telephone 101
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