We are committed to safeguarding everyone who worships here or comes to the activities we offer.
We fully acknowledge we have a duty of care to all children and vulnerable adults who are part of our community or visit the Cathedral. In addition to implementing robust policies and guidelines, we carefully select and train paid and voluntary staff who might come into contact with these groups, using the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) if appropriate amongst other tools, to check their suitability
We follow the advice, guidance, policy and practice of the Church of England in Promoting a Safer Church. The Church of England Safeguarding Policy Statement for children, young people and adults is available here: Promoting a Safer Church
Church of England's statement on publication of the IICSA report

Safeguarding Statement
DownloadIn a safeguarding emergency
Please contact the Police or Social Care.
Reporting new safeguarding referrals and concerns
In a safeguarding emergency please contact the Police on 999
Social Care
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Children's Services (referrals)
Cambridgeshire Tel: 0345 045 5203
Peterborough Tel: 01733 864170
Out of hours (Cambridge & Peterborough): 01733 234724
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Adult Services (referrals)
Cambridgeshire Tel: 0345 045 5202
Peterborough Tel: 01773 747474
Out of hours (Cambridge & Peterborough): 01733 234724
Chapter have adopted the following Church of England Policy Documents which are all accessible on the Church of England Safeguarding Pages
Safeguarding Overview
View Safeguarding OverviewDuty to “have due regard” to House of Bishops safeguarding guidance
ViewPromoting a Safer Church
ViewProtecting All God's Children
ViewSafer Recruitment and People Management Guidance
ViewThe Gospel, Sexual Abuse and the Church
ViewAt Ely Cathedral, we want to have honest and positive conversations around safeguarding. We also wish to acknowledge the needs – and the courage – of victims and survivors who are living with the scars and damage caused by abuse.
Churches and Cathedrals across the country are marking Safeguarding Sunday at the beginning of October. Part of our response to this at Ely Cathedral has been to produce an online questionnaire to help us get a better picture of how Safeguarding is seen here. The questionnaire can be accessed and completed by clicking on the link below:
Safeguarding Questionnaire (office.com)
To help us further refine our safeguarding work, we would be grateful if you would complete the questionnaire, giving your answer to as many of the questions as you can. You need not give your name, but please do if you would like us to get in touch with you afterwards. Thank you.
For those without online access, we are sending out this message with hard copies of the questionnaire by post today.
The Revd Canon James Reveley
Residentiary Canon for Congregation and Community
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