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Community Action

People In Need

Our ongoing work supporting people in need is currently focused in these directions:
- work in our area to combat the evils of modern slavery and exploitative work.
- support for Ely Foodbank

The third and fourth marks of mission are:
- To respond to human need by loving service.
- To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation.

We believe that responding to human need through loving service is at the core of our outreach, both locally and globally. We recognise, however, the necessity to take seriously the 4th mark of mission, because it is in challenging unjust structures that we reduce human need. There is a difference between a narrow of view of politics, based on political party, and a wider view of politics, which is that it is about our collective life in our community and in our nation. It is not enough for us to contribute to Ely Foodbank, for instance, unless we also do what we can to ensure that there is no need for it.

We therefore support Christian Aid through the annual collection in Christian Aid Week, and by other fund-raising.

These marks of mission are at the heart of the work the Mothers' Union does.

Caring for our Local Community

We contribute to:
Ely Foodbank
(The Dean is a Trustee)
Christians Against Poverty in Ely

We are part of a diocesan group working to ensure that all our church communities are aware of modern slavery and exploitative working conditions in their local area, and know what to do if they suspect that it is happening.