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Organ Recital - Adam Field

28 July 2024, 17:15


Admission Free, retiring collection

A chance to hear the magnificent organ of Ely Cathedral played by Adam Field.

Prelude and Fugue in E flat “St Anne” (BWV 552) - J. S. Bach

Fugue in A flat minor (WoO 8) - Johannes Brahms

Organ Sonata No. 1 in G major (Op. 28)
3 Andante espressivo - Edward Elgar

Sacred and Hallowed Fire (2013) - Cecilia McDowall

Psalm-Prelude Set 2, No. 2 (Ps. 139:11) - Herbert Howells

Fugue pro organo pleno super “Gonfalon Royal” - Sarah MacDonald

Organ Symphony No. 6, Op. 42 No. 2
5 Final - Charles-Marie Widor

Adam has recently graduated from Selwyn College, Cambridge, where he read for a degree in Music. He held the Percy Young Senior Organ Scholarship there, which involved accompanying the choir in its three weekly services, and assisting the Director of Music, Sarah MacDonald, in the running and direction of the choir.

With Selwyn Choir, he has been engaged in concerts and services across the country and internationally, including live on BBC Radio 3 and on Radio 4. He has played the organ and piano for four commercially recorded CDs of music by individual living composers, for which Selwyn has found its niche. This past year, he also held the organ scholarship with King’s Voices, King’s College’s mixed-voice choir, for whom he played Evensong once a week in its iconic chapel.

Adam studied for his A-levels at Whitgift School, during which time he held the sixth form organ scholarship at Croydon Minster, and studied with Ronny Krippner. Subsequently, he spent his gap year as organ scholar at Portsmouth Cathedral, and he is currently studying with Stephen Farr.

As well as playing the organ, he has recently had his first composition published (a set of Preces and Responses), and tutors on singing courses with The Rodolfus Foundation and The Oxford and Cambridge Singing School. He recently recorded a recital on the University Organ in Great St Mary’s, Cambridge, for the Historic Organ Sound Archive. Adam is a Fellow of the Royal College of Organists. Next year, he will be taking up the Organ Scholarship at Exeter Cathedral.