Photography & Drones
Photography for personal use is permitted in the Cathedral and its grounds. Please respect the privacy other visitors, including Cathedral volunteers and members of staff when taking photographs. We request that tripods are not used in the building without prior notice.
Photography for commercial use (including press, trade journals) must be agreed in advance. Commercial photography is at the discretion of the Cathedral and requests should be made to the Communications department. You will be asked to give a few details about the project, areas of interest and an estimated length of time required. Please note that fees may apply.
Use of Drones and Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Ely Cathedral does not permit the use of any unmanned aircraft system or drone within its grounds without prior approval.
The Cathedral precinct is a privately owned space that is open to the public and in constant use by visitors, Cathedral staff and volunteers, school children and local residents. Most of the properties, including the Cathedral, are listed and the fabric of these historic buildings are often precarious and fragile.
Please refer to Ely Cathedral's UAS/Drone Policy here.
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