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Threads Though The Bible Exhibition

Various dates


Entry via Cathedral Visitor ticket or pass

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Friday 9 May - Monday 30 June*

Threads through the Bible is an astonishing, inspiring exhibition of textile art. With spectacular designs, brilliant colours and extraordinary stitching, you’re taken through a journey from the first pages to the last pages of the Bible.

It is probably the largest ever textile project by a single person! There are 44 huge spectacular panels, each almost 3m high and up to 4m wide. If all the panels were laid out side by side, they’d stretch more than 80 metres!

Artist Jacqui Parkinson has been fascinated by the Bible and its stories for fifty years – and now in the last ten years had been stitching the panels in her studio in Devon, using over 25 million stitches.

It's a story in three parts, three huge exhibitions in one. Visitors to the Cathedral may remember the wonderful Threads through Creation exhibition in 2023; now the project is complete with the addition of Threads through the Cross - dramatic moments in the life of Jesus and Threads through Revelation – spectacular visions from the last pages of the Bible.

Jacqui Parkinson says ‘It’s a pleasure to be back in Ely Cathedral to see Threads through the Bible in this glorious setting. I hope the panels will add a sparkle to everyone’s visit here, adding to the inspiration of a wonderful building.'

Speaking about how she works, Jacqui said: ‘I start simply with antique bedsheets, which hold their own tales of life and death. Then I gradually build up my stories by quilting the sheets and painting them. Once that is done, I add layers of silk, which I stitch into place using thick black thread and a free motion sewing machine. This allows me to construct my ‘drawings’ line upon line. Then I add gold and metallic leathers as finishing touches, overall creating great richness as a feast for the eye!'

Jacqui adds: ‘My aim is to capture the wonderful extravagance and drama of three key parts of the Bible – creation, the life of Jesus, and the end times - and to delight people who view it. It’s a story of love and promise, tragedy and triumph, and ultimate hope that we can all do with these days.’

Tickets: Entry is included with your Cathedral visitor ticket or pass
* Please check for any changes to opening hours before visiting